A current trend of multi-agent control systems is to expand beyond the standard control objectives and employ tools
from computer science such as formal verification languages in order to specify more general task specifications rather
than a stand-alone traditional control objective. Temporal logics, such as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) and Signal
Temporal Logic (STL), provide a formalism to mathematically formulate such task specifications. Most existing solutions
on multirobot temporal logic control synthesis do not take into account quantitative transient constraints, such as those
prescribed by STL, nor consider the high computational cost that may be endured by controlling the whole agent group when
the number of agents becomes larger. We instead consider here a heterogeneous, leader-follower approach to the problem,
in which a selected set of agents with advanced actuation, computation and communication capabilities, namely the leaders,
are responsible for guiding the whole agent group to implement the specification in a decentralized and cooperative way
while fulfilling the transient constraints.